Friday, November 22, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

In case you're having a bad day.

I've been having one of those days. And I know compared to some, well it would look like a birthday party. ... But for me, it's been a no good dirty rotten very bad day.
So, I decided to do something. I decided (and this just barely), that I was going to make a list of blessings that I have in contrast to some things that are just bugging me today.
-It's cold BUT I have clothes to keep me warm, and a house to go home to.
-I'm exhausted BUT that means that have opportunities in my life, even if they make me tired.
-I miss my brother BUT he comes home in less than a year.
-I miss my boyfriend BUT "how lucky I am to have something that [made] saying goodbye so hard."
Well... that's four, and I don't want to compare anymore...
So I'll just list a few more blessings.
- In 5 and 6 months I will have a little nieces or nephews or one of each to play with and watch.
-I have food that I can go eat at my house.
-I have a family who loves me.

But more importantly is this
-The gospel is true. You can find true peace, hope, and love through it. So this quote has helped me most today. If you're having a no good day as well, maybe it'll help you too.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hello, November.

It's time for drinking hot cocoa and eating pie.

It's time for Thanksgiving and sitting by the fire.
